Chapel End Junior Academy

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A Crowther-Smith

R.E Lead


It is the aim of Chapel End Junior Academy to provide opportunities for all children to learn and to achieve, regardless of gender, ethnicity or ability.  The school curriculum aims to promote pupils’ spiritual, moral, social and cultural development and to prepare them for the opportunities, responsibilities and experiences of life.  We aim to promote their self-esteem and emotional well-being and to help them form and maintain worthwhile and satisfying relationships, based on respect for themselves and others. Through our teaching of RE, we aim to develop tolerance and respect for the different cultures and beliefs within our society, supporting British values.


Curriculum Approach

We use the Waltham Forest SACRE syllabus which has been devised to ensure thorough coverage throughout the school. Children are able to build on skills each year and planning provides opportunities to support work at greater depth.

External Stimuli Children from Year 3 through to Year 6 are instilled with the idea of respect for religions and beliefs. They are taught about the wide range of religions within our community and visits are arranged to places of worship.

British Values

The planning used by staff is structured to promote British values through developing understanding of other cultures and beliefs, treating people of all faiths equally and nurturing tolerance for other people’s opinions.


Children have access to a range of resources for a variety of different religions. We encourage a hands on approach so that children are able to see how artefacts are used in different religions and supported to understand their value.

Thoughtful Questioning

that encourages deeper thinking about aspects of religion.

International Month

Each year, during Black History Month, we have a whole school international day where all religions, cultures and diversity within the school community is celebrated through sharing food, music, clothing and experiences.



At the end of each year, pupils have developed their reflective skills, and have gained a new understanding of beliefs and religions in the world around them.


Children are able to talk enthusiastically about their knowledge of religion.

Children across the school articulate well about the need to be respectful of different beliefs.


Pupils know how people of different religions may express themselves and treat people equally regardless of background or beliefs.


Pupils use acquired vocabulary in lessons. They develop an understanding of the need to be respectful and tolerant of different beliefs.


Teachers plan a range of opportunities to develop knowledge of religious topics in practical and creative ways.  



Pupil Voice 

I like RE because we learn about the different religions in our school.
I like RE because I can help the teacher explain things about my own religion.
RE teaches us about different beliefs but we learn how the values are the same.
In RE we go to see different places of worship on school trips.
