Chapel End Junior Academy

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The School Day

Morning Session

Morning drop-off for the children is between 8.35am and 8.45am

Start:  8.45am

Morning break: 10.30am-10.45am (Year 3 and 4)

                    10.50am-11.05am (Year 5 and 6)


Lunch: 12.15pm-1.15pm (Year 3 and 4)

           12.30pm-1.30pm (Year 5 and 6)

Collecting your child from school

School finishes for all Year Groups at 3.15pm. 


If you wish to collect your child at any other time, please contact the school office.  You will be required to sign your child out when you collect them.


The Midday Break

All children are supervised at lunchtime by an experienced team of Midday Assistants with support from teachers.

Children may not leave the school premises during the mid-day break.

Any parent/carer who wishes for their child to go home for lunch must make arrangements to collect their child from the school office.

Please speak to the school office staff if you wish to discuss your child’s lunchtime arrangements.

Lunchtime Arrangements

Freshly prepared and cooked school lunches are available to all children. The meals are cooked on the premises every day.  A vegetarian option is always available and the kitchen staff provide a salad bar for the children to help themselves to fresh vegetables. Sometimes, parents ask to join their child for lunch to sample the food and see how their child eats at school. You are welcome to purchase a lunch and join your child as long as this is arranged and the lunch is paid for in advance.


The present cost of a school meal is £2.16. Payment must be made using ParentPay in advance for the week or as a monthly/half termly advance. If payment is not received on a Monday morning, you will be contacted and asked to bring a packed lunch to school for your child.

To assist with the catering organisation, school dinners need to be booked for each half term. If you would like your child to change to or from a packed lunch to a school dinner, please make the change at the start of the term or half term.

If you qualify for free meals for your child, please let the academy office know regardless of your child’s meal preference.

Packed Lunch

The children who choose to bring packed lunches sit in their classes together with their classmates who have school dinners.  Water is available for all children at lunchtime.  Children can bring an additional bottle of water if they wish. As a ‘Healthy School’, we ask that packed lunches include healthy, wholesome foods.  We do appreciate that some parents would like to send their children to school with a healthy lunch but containing a small treat – this is fine. We ask parents not to send in any fizzy drinks or nuts. We do have children in school with allergies. Thank you for your support with this.

School Access and Security

At the beginning and end of the day, gates are opened on both Beresford Road and Roberts Road. 

During the day, these gates will be locked, apart from receiving deliveries and for rubbish disposal.

Children arriving late, as well as parents, carers and visitors, will only be able to enter the school by the main entrance in Roberts Road.  This is to ensure the safety of the children in our care.